'use strict';
* @fileOverview An efficient middleware composer for Koa.
* @module composer
const reuse = require('reusify');
* Filterable Middleware
* @example
* {
* fn: (ctx, next) => ctx.user ? next() : ctx.throw(401),
* filtered: true,
* rich: false,
* test: "/user"
* }
* @typedef {Object} FilterableMiddleware
* @property {Function} fn Koa Middleware
* @property {Boolean} [filtered=false] Whether or not this middleware should
* actually be filtered.
* @property {Boolean} [rich=false] Whether the filter for this middleware is
* a function or a basic string for comparison.
* @property {String|RegExp|Object} [test] Required when `filtered` is true.
* Either a string for a `path.startsWith(...)` comparison or an object with
* a `test` method that accepts the current path. Conveniently, compiled
* regular expressions have just such a method.
* Compose a method that will efficiently execute multiple middleware for
* Koa. This makes use of the [reusify](https://www.npmjs.com/package/reusify)
* module to avoid allocating excess objects and functions during runtime when
* at all possible. As a result, memory churn should be reduced while V8 should
* be able to properly optimize these methods.
* This can be used as a drop-in replacement for [koa-compose](https://github.com/koajs/compose).
* {@link FilterableMiddleware} objects can be supplied, describing middleware
* that should be filtered to only run on specific paths.
* @example
* app.use(compose(cors(), cache(), router.middleware()));
* @function
* @name compose
* @param {...(Function|Function[]|composer~FilterableMiddleware|FilterableMiddleware[])} input The various middleware
* to compose together. This can consist of functions or arrays of functions. The
* input may also be comprised of objects that describe middleware that should
* be filtered to only run on specific paths.
* @returns {Function} The composed middleware
module.exports = function compose(...input) {
const middlewares = [];
for(const section of input) {
if ( ! section )
for(const fn of Array.isArray(section) ? section : [section]) {
if ( ! fn )
if ( typeof fn === 'function' )
filtered: false,
else if ( fn.fn )
throw new TypeError('invalid input to compose')
const len = middlewares.length;
function Composer() {
this.i = null;
this.context = null;
this.next = null;
const that = this,
bound = [];
this.run = function(i) {
if ( i <= that.i )
return Promise.reject(new Error('next() called multiple times'));
const path = that.context.request.path;
let fn;
while(i <= len) {
if ( i === len ) {
fn = that.next;
const middleware = middlewares[i];
if ( ! middleware.filtered ||
(middleware.rich ?
middleware.test.test(path) :
path.startsWith(middleware.test)) ) {
fn = middleware.fn;
this.i = i;
if ( ! fn )
return Promise.resolve();
try {
return Promise.resolve(fn(that.context, bound[i+1]));
} catch(err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
// We want to bind our run function once for every middleware,
// and once more after that to chain to the next() that the
// compose middleware was itself called with.
for(let i=0; i <= len; i++)
bound.push(this.run.bind(this, i));
const pool = reuse(Composer);
const ret = async function composed(context, next) {
const inst = pool.get();
inst.i = -1;
inst.context = context;
inst.next = next;
try {
return await inst.run(0)
} finally {
inst.context = null;
inst.next = null;
ret._middleware = middlewares;
return ret;