'use strict';
const debug = require('debug')('ffz-api-router');
const FindMyWay = require('find-my-way');
const pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp');
const METHODS = require('methods');
const formatURL = require('url').format;
const reuse = require('reusify');
const compose = require('./composer');
const Mount = require('./mount');
const has = (thing, key) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(thing, key);
const NOOP = () => {};
const HOST_OPTS = {
delimiter: '.',
strict: true,
sensitive: false
module.exports = Router;
* Create a new Router.
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [opts] Options for initializing this Router and the internal find-my-way router.
* @param {String} [opts.host] An optional host for this router. Used when generating URLs. Can include variables, though that's slower and not recommended.
* @param {String} [opts.name] An optional name for this router. Used when resolving a route for URL generation.
* @param {String} [opts.prefix] An optional prefix to apply to all routes for this Router.
* @param {Object} [opts.findMyWay] Options to provide to the internal find-my-way router.
* @param {Boolean} [opts.paramwareBeforeDataware=false] If this is true, middleware registered for specific params will run before data-based middleware.
* @param {Boolean|Router~dataMiddleware} [opts.mountMiddleware] Middleware to use for {@link Router#mount} instead of {@link Mount}. If set to false, this will disable the automatic `mount` data-based middleware. As a result, {@link Router#mount} will not function correctly.
* @param {Boolean|Router~handleOptions} [opts.handleOptions] Whether or not to handle OPTIONS requests. Optionally takes a function to handle OPTIONS.
* @param {Boolean|Router~handleOptions} [opts.handle405] Whether or not to generate 405 responses when there are no matching methods for a route. Optionally takes a function to handle 405s.
function Router(opts) {
if ( !(this instanceof Router) )
return new Router(opts);
this.opts = opts || {};
this.opts.paramwareBeforeDataware = this.opts.paramwareBeforeDataware || false;
if ( this.opts.mountMiddleware === undefined )
this.opts.mountMiddleware = Mount;
this.opts.handle405 = this.opts.handle405 == null ? true : this.opts.handle405;
this.opts.handleOptions = this.opts.handleOptions == null ? true : this.opts.handleOptions;
// Routers that we interact with.
this._parents = [];
this._nested = {};
// Content defined on *this* Router.
this.routes = [];
this.middlewares = [];
this.paramwares = {};
this.datawares = {};
this.dataware_sort = {};
this.dataware_default = {};
this.dataware_exclusive = new Set;
if ( this.opts.mountMiddleware ) {
if ( typeof this.opts.mountMiddleware !== 'function' )
throw new TypeError('opts.mountMiddleware must be a function');
this.datawares.mount = [this.opts.mountMiddleware];
this.dataware_sort.mount = -10;
// Internals
this._routers = [];
this._routes = new Map;
this._named = {};
this._middlewares = {};
this._live = false;
* A Koa middleware function that has an additional parameter containing the internal
* route data, called when a route is matched but the requested method has no handler.
* These functions are used for generating `405 Method Not Allowed` responses, as well
* as responses to `OPTIONS` requests.
* @example
* const router = Router({
* handleOptions: (ctx, next, store) => {
* ctx.set('Allow', Object.keys(store).join(', ').toUpperCase());
* ctx.status = 204;
* }
* })
* @callback Router~handleOptions
* @param {Object} ctx The Koa Context
* @param {Function} next The next middleware in the stack
* @param {Object} store The internal route object, with keys for each handled method
* A factory for Koa middleware, acting off of data attached to a specific route.
* The returned function or functions may have a `sort` property for overriding the
* sorting of that specific middleware instance on that specific route.
* @example
* router.useData('database', options => {
* const connection = database.getConnection(options);
* return async (ctx, next) => {
* const cursor = connection.getCursor();
* ctx.db = cursor;
* try {
* await next();
* } finally {
* cursor.close();
* ctx.db = null;
* }
* }
* });
* router.useData('validation', options => {
* const methods = [];
* if ( options.query )
* methods.push((ctx, next) => {
* validateQuery(options.query, ctx.query);
* return next();
* });
* if ( options.result ) {
* const fn = async (ctx, next) => {
* await next();
* validateResult(options.result, ctx);
* };
* fn.sort = 2;
* methods.push(fn);
* }
* return methods;
* });
* @callback Router~dataMiddleware
* @param {*} data The data attached to a route that triggered the instantiation of this
* data-ware middleware.
* @param {String} route The applicable route
* @param {Object} _store The internal data store for the route.
* @returns {Function|Function[]} Koa Middleware
// Middleware
* Get a middleware method for adding a {@link Router} to Koa.
* @example
* const router = Router();
* app.use(router.middleware())
* @returns {Function} Koa Middleware
Router.prototype.middleware = function() {
const router = this;
if ( ! this._live ) {
this._live = true;
// Context URL Generation
let pool;
function URLFor() {
this.context = null;
const that = this;
this.urlFor = function(name, params, options) {
if ( name.startsWith('.') ) {
const name_prefix = that.context.state._route.name_prefix;
if ( name_prefix )
name = name_prefix + name;
name = name.slice(1);
return router.urlFor(name, params, options, that.context.request.host, that.context.request.protocol);
this.done = function(stuff) {
that.context.urlFor = null;
that.context = null;
return stuff;
this.catch = function(err) {
that.context.urlFor = null;
that.context = null;
throw err;
pool = reuse(URLFor);
// The Middleware
const dispatch = function dispatch(ctx, next) {
debug('%s %s', ctx.method, ctx.path);
const has_timers = ctx.startTimer;
if ( has_timers )
const method = ctx.method.toLowerCase();
let match, host_params;
if ( router._routers ) {
const host = ctx.request.host ? ctx.request.host.toLowerCase() : '';
for(const [fn, matcher, rt, plucker] of router._routers) {
let fn_match;
if ( fn === -1 || (fn === 0 && matcher === host) || (fn === 1 && (plucker ? (fn_match = matcher.exec(host)) : matcher.test(host))) ) {
match = rt.find('GET', ctx.path);
if ( match ) {
host_params = plucker && fn_match ? plucker(fn_match) : null;
if ( ! match ) {
if ( has_timers )
return next();
const {params, store} = match;
const data = store[method] || (method !== 'options' && store.all);
ctx.request.host_params = ctx.host_params = host_params;
ctx.request.params = ctx.params = params;
ctx.state._route = data;
ctx.state.route = data && data.options;
const urls = pool.get();
urls.context = ctx;
ctx.urlFor = urls.urlFor;
if ( data ) {
if ( has_timers )
return Promise.resolve(data.fn(ctx, next)).then(urls.done).catch(urls.catch);
let fn;
if ( method === 'options' && router.opts.handleOptions ) {
if ( typeof router.opts.handleOptions === 'function' )
fn = router.opts.handleOptions;
fn = handleOptions;
} else if ( ! router.opts.handle405 ) {
if ( has_timers )
return Promise.resolve(next()).then(urls.done).catch(urls.catch);
} else if ( typeof router.opts.handle405 === 'function' )
fn = router.opts.handle405;
fn = handle405;
if ( has_timers )
return Promise.resolve(fn(ctx, next, store)).then(urls.done).catch(urls.catch)
dispatch.router = this;
return dispatch;
function handle405(ctx, next, store) {
const allowed = store.all ? METHODS : Object.keys(store);
ctx.throw(405, undefined, {
headers: {
Allow: allowed.join(', ').toUpperCase()
function handleOptions(ctx, next, store) {
const allowed = store.all ? METHODS : Object.keys(store);
ctx.set('Allow', allowed.join(', ').toUpperCase());
ctx.status = 204;
// Events
* Call the {@link Router#_update} method of each {@link Router} that
* has this Router nested.
* @private
Router.prototype._updateParents = function() {
for(const parent of this._parents)
* Re-build the internal route and middleware cache with updated data
* and then call {@link Router#_updateParents}.
* @private
Router.prototype._update = function() {
const live = this._live;
if ( live )
this._routers = [];
/*if ( this._router )
this._router = FindMyWay(this.opts.findMyWay);*/
const prefix = this.opts.prefix || '',
name = this.opts.name,
host = this.opts.host,
hosts = new Map,
routes = this._routes = new Map,
named = this._named = {},
middlewares = this._middlewares = {};
// Route and Middleware Merging
mergeRoutes(routes, host, name, prefix, this.routes);
mergeMiddlewares(middlewares, prefix, this.middlewares);
for(const [nest_path, nested] of Object.entries(this._nested))
for(const router of nested) {
const pref = `${prefix}${nest_path || ''}`;
mergeRoutes(routes, host, name, pref, router._routes);
mergeMiddlewares(middlewares, pref, router._middlewares);
// Convert all middleware paths to special regex so that we can easilly
// determine which middleware should be associated with which routes.
const middleware_tokens = Object.entries(middlewares).map(([route, data]) =>
[pathToRegexp.parse(route), route, data]
const dataware = Object.entries(this.datawares);
// Now, we want to build our final routing data. This data is kept
// on our find-my-way router instance. We're also going to apply
// any dataware at this stage.
for(const [host, hosted_routes] of routes.entries()) {
for(const [route, data] of Object.entries(hosted_routes)) {
const route_tokens = pathToRegexp.parse(route),
route_fn = pathToRegexp.tokensToFunction(route_tokens),
route_params = route_tokens
.filter(token => typeof token !== 'string')
.map(token => token.name),
matching_pware = data._paramware = data._paramware || [],
md = this._matchMiddleware(route, middleware_tokens),
new_data = {};
let route_host;
for(const name of route_params) {
const pware = this.paramwares[name];
if ( pware )
for(const pw of pware)
// We need to know the host ahead of time because of URL generation,
// so check for an override right now.
for(const d of Object.values(data)) {
if ( d.options && d.options.host ) {
if ( route_host != null )
throw new Error(`Route has conflicting hosts: ${route}`);
route_host = d.options.host;
if ( route_host == null )
route_host = host;
let host_info = hosts.get(route_host);
if ( ! host_info ) {
hosts.set(route_host, host_info = {});
if ( route_host ) {
host_info.tokens = pathToRegexp.parse(route_host, HOST_OPTS);
host_info.rich = host_info.tokens.length > 1 || typeof host_info.tokens[0] != 'string';
if ( host_info.rich ) {
host_info.vars = [];
host_info.reverse = pathToRegexp.compile(route_host, HOST_OPTS);
host_info.matcher = pathToRegexp.tokensToRegExp(host_info.tokens, host_info.vars, HOST_OPTS);
for(let i=0, l = host_info.vars.length; i < l; i++)
host_info.vars[i] = host_info.vars[i] && host_info.vars[i].name;
for(const [key, d] of Object.entries(data)) {
if ( key.startsWith('_') )
if ( d.options && d.options.name ) {
const name = d.name_prefix ?
`${d.name_prefix}.${d.options.name}` :
named[name] = [route_params, route_fn, host_info.rich, route_host, host_info.vars, host_info.reverse];
const matching_defaults = d.defaults = d.defaults || {};
for(const [dkey, value] of Object.entries(this.dataware_default)) {
if ( ! has(matching_defaults, dkey) )
matching_defaults[dkey] = value;
const matching_dware = d.dataware = d.dataware || [];
for(const [dkey, dware] of dataware) {
if ( ! d.exclusive.includes(dkey) && (has(d.options, dkey) || has(matching_defaults, dkey)) )
for(const dw of dware)
matching_dware.push([dkey, dw, this.dataware_sort[dkey]]);
for(const dkey of this.dataware_exclusive)
if ( live ) {
// Construct our list of dataware methods.
// Dataware constructors are allowed to return more
// than one function to be composed, and they
// can have custom sorting.
const dware = [];
for(const [dkey, dw, sort] of matching_dware) {
const data = has(d.options, dkey) ? d.options[dkey] : matching_defaults[dkey],
out = dw(data, route, d);
if ( ! out )
if ( Array.isArray(out) ) {
for(const thing of out) {
if ( ! thing )
if ( ! thing.sort )
thing.sort = sort;
} else {
if ( ! out.sort )
out.sort = sort;
dware.sort((a, b) => {
a = a && a.sort || 0;
b = b && b.sort || 0;
return a - b;
new_data[key] = Object.assign({}, d, {
fn: this.opts.paramwareBeforeDataware ?
compose(md, matching_pware, dware, d.middleware) :
compose(md, dware, matching_pware, d.middleware)
if ( live ) {
if ( ! host_info.router ) {
const router = host_info.router = FindMyWay(this.opts.FindMyWay);
if ( host_info.tokens ) {
if ( host_info.rich ) {
this._routers.push([1, host_info.matcher, router, pluckVars(host_info.vars)]);
} else
this._routers.push([0, route_host.toLowerCase(), router]);
} else
this._routers.push([-1, null, router]);
host_info.router.on('GET', route, NOOP, new_data);
// Now, let all this trickle down to our parents.
* Pre-calculate which middleware could potentially run on a specific
* route so that we can minimize the middleware that actually run on
* any given route.
* @private
* @param {String} path The path for the route we're checking
* @param {Array} middlewares An array of middleware descriptions, including
* tokens, the raw route, and the middleware functions themselves
* @returns {Array} The matching middleware to be applied to the route.
Router.prototype._matchMiddleware = function(path, middlewares) {
const out = [],
// This works slightly differently than find-my-way's
// route parsing, but hopefully it's close enough to
// make middleware matching work.
tokens = pathToRegexp.parse(path),
match_fn = this.opts.middlewareMatcher || couldMatch;
for(const [middle_tokens, r, data] of middlewares) {
if ( match_fn(tokens, middle_tokens) ) {
const filtered = r && r.length > 0,
rich = filtered && r.includes(':'),
compiled = rich ? pathToRegexp(r) : r;
for(const middleware of data)
test: compiled,
fn: middleware
return out;
function pluckVars(vars) {
if ( ! Array.isArray(vars) || ! vars.length )
return null;
const len = vars.length,
keys = vars.map(v => v.name || v);
return match => {
const plucked = {};
if ( match && match.length ) {
for(let i=0; i < len; i++)
plucked[keys[i]] = match[i + 1];
return plucked;
function couldMatch(tokens, middle_tokens) {
// TODO: Make this way smarter.
// Right now, we're just comparing the first tokens. And then,
// we're only comparing them if they're both strings.
// If nothing else, we should try to count segments.
//const len = tokens.length,
// mid_len = middle_tokens.length;
const i=0, j=0;
//while(i < len || j < mid_len) {
const token = tokens[i],
mid_token = middle_tokens[j];
if ( ! token )
return false;
if ( typeof token === 'string' && typeof mid_token === 'string' ) {
if ( token !== mid_token && ! token.startsWith(`${mid_token}/`) )
return false;
return true;
function mergeRoutes(output, host, name, prefix, routes) {
if ( Array.isArray(routes) )
routes = [[host, routes]];
else if ( routes instanceof Map )
routes = Array.from(routes.entries());
routes = Object.entries(routes);
const mapped = output instanceof Map;
for(const [route_host, host_data] of routes) {
const use_host = route_host || host;
let hosted;
if ( mapped ) {
hosted = output.get(use_host);
if ( ! hosted )
output.set(use_host, hosted = {});
} else
hosted = output[use_host] = output[use_host] || {};
const host_routes = Array.isArray(host_data) ? host_data : Object.entries(host_data);
for(const data of host_routes) {
let paths = data[0];
if ( ! Array.isArray(paths) )
paths = [paths];
for(const p of paths) {
const prefixed = `${prefix}${p}`,
out = hosted[prefixed] = hosted[prefixed] || {};
for(const [method, rdata] of Object.entries(data[1])) {
if ( method.startsWith('_') ) {
if ( Array.isArray(rdata) )
out[method] = Array.from(rdata);
else if ( typeof rdata === 'object' )
out[method] = Object.assign({}, rdata);
out[method] = rdata;
let name_prefix = rdata.name_prefix;
if ( name )
name_prefix = name_prefix ? `${name}.${name_prefix}` : name;
out[method] = Object.assign(
dataware: rdata.dataware ? Array.from(rdata.dataware) : [],
exclusive: rdata.exclusive ? Array.from(rdata.exclusive) : [],
defaults: rdata.defaults ? Object.assign({}, rdata.defaults) : {}
return output;
function mergeMiddlewares(output, prefix, middlewares) {
if ( ! Array.isArray(middlewares) )
middlewares = Object.entries(middlewares);
for(const data of middlewares) {
let paths = data[0];
if ( ! Array.isArray(paths) )
paths = [paths];
for(const p of paths) {
const prefixed = `${prefix}${p}`,
out = output[prefixed] = output[prefixed] || [];
for(const middleware of Array.isArray(data[1]) ? data[1] : [data[1]])
return output;
// Registering Routes
* Valid Method Signatures
* this.get('/blah/:id', ctx => { })
* this.get(['/blah:id'], ctx => { })
* this.get('/blah/:id', (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
* this.get(['/blah:id'], (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
* this.get('name', '/blah/:id', ctx => { })
* this.get('name', ['/blah:id'], ctx => { })
* this.get('name', '/blah/:id', (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
* this.get('name', ['/blah:id'], (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
* this.get('/blah/:id', {opts: true}, ctx => { })
* this.get(['/blah:id'], {opts: true}, ctx => { })
* this.get('/blah/:id', {opts: true}, (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
* this.get(['/blah:id'], {opts: true}, (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
* this.get('name', '/blah/:id', {opts: true}, ctx => { })
* this.get('name', ['/blah:id'], {opts: true}, ctx => { })
* this.get('name', '/blah/:id', {opts: true}, (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
* this.get('name', ['/blah:id'], {opts: true}, (ctx, next) => { }, ctx => { })
METHODS.concat('all').forEach(method => {
* Match URL paths to middleware using `router.METHOD()` where `method` is an HTTP method,
* such as GET, POST, or DELETE. The special method `router.all()` will match all methods.
* When a route is matched, the route's options will be available at `ctx.state.route`.
* Route paths are passed directly to an internal [find-my-way](https://www.npmjs.com/package/find-my-way)
* instance and should be written using that syntax. This syntax, for the most part,
* mirrors that used by [path-to-regexp](https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp).
* If supplied, hosts are parsed with `path-to-regexp`. Hosts without variables are checked
* with simple string comparison while hosts with variables are matched with a regular
* expression generated by `path-to-regexp`.
* Any variables within the host will be stored in `ctx.host_params` and `ctx.request.host_params`.
* @example
* router
* .get('/', (ctx, next) => {
* ctx.body = "Hello, World!"
* })
* .post('user', '/user/:userID', (ctx, next) => {
* // ...
* })
* .del('/topic/:topicID/message/:messageID', {some_data: false}, (ctx, next) => {
* // ...
* })
* @alias METHOD
* @memberof Router.prototype
* @param {String} [name] A name for this route. Equivilent to setting a name key in options.
* @param {String|String[]} path A path or multiple paths that these middleware functions will match.
* @param {Object} [options] Optional data to associate with the route, including a name and data for data-based middleware.
* @param {String} [options.host] Optional host for this specific route. Different methods on the same route must use the same host.
* @param {...Function} middleware Middleware functions to handle this route.
* @returns {Router} The router
Router.prototype[method] = function(name, path, options, ...middleware) {
// If the first parameter is a string, whether or not it's a name
// depends on whether or not the second parameter is a path, which
// can be a string or an array of strings.
// It's more efficient to check the type of the second parameter directly.
if ( typeof path !== 'string' && ! Array.isArray(path) ) {
if ( options != null )
options = path;
path = name;
name = null;
// If options is a function, it's middleware and not actual options.
if ( typeof options === 'function' ) {
options = {};
} else if ( typeof options !== 'object' || Array.isArray(options) )
throw new TypeError('options must be an object');
for(const fn of middleware)
if ( typeof fn !== 'function' )
throw new TypeError('middleware must be functions')
options.name = name;
this.register([method], path, options, ...middleware);
return this;
// Alias of Router.delete because `delete` is a reserved word.
Router.prototype.del = Router.prototype['delete'];
* Register a new route and update the router's internal state.
* @example
* router.register('get', '/', null, ctx => {
* ctx.body = "Hello, World!"
* })
* @param {String|String[]} methods The HTTP methods that these middleware functions can handle.
* @param {String|String[]} path A path or multiple paths that these middleware functions will match.
* @param {Object|null} options Optional data to associate with the route, including a name and data for data-based middleware.
* @param {String} [options.host] Optional host for this specific route. Different methods on the same route must use the same host.
* @param {...Function} middleware Middleware functions to handle this route.
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.register = function(methods, path, options, ...middleware) {
if ( ! Array.isArray(methods) )
methods = [methods];
for(const method of methods)
if ( typeof method !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('method must be a string');
if ( ! Array.isArray(path) )
path = [path];
for(const p of path)
if ( typeof p !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('path must be a string or array of strings');
if ( options == null )
options = {};
else if ( typeof options !== 'object' || Array.isArray(options) )
throw new TypeError('options must be an object');
for(const fn of middleware)
if ( typeof fn !== 'function' )
throw new TypeError('middleware must be a function or array of functions');
const route = {};
for(const method of methods)
route[method.toLowerCase()] = {options, middleware};
this.routes.push([path, route]);
return this;
// Registering Middleware
* Use the given middleware. Middleware are run in the order they are defined.
* This can also be used to nest another {@link Router} as a child of this
* router.
* @example
* router.use(SomeMiddleware);
* router.use('/user', SomeUserMiddleware);
* router.use(anotherRouter);
* @param {String|String[]} [path] A path or array of paths to limit the middleware to
* @param {...(Function|Router)} middleware The middleware function(s) to use
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.use = function(path, ...middleware) {
if ( typeof path === 'function' || path instanceof Router ) {
path = '';
if ( ! Array.isArray(path) )
path = [path];
for(const p of path)
if ( typeof p !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('path must be a string or array of strings');
for(const fn of middleware)
if ( !(fn instanceof Router) && typeof fn !== 'function' )
throw new TypeError('middleware must be a function or Router instance');
const mids = [];
for(let fn of middleware) {
if ( typeof fn === 'function' && fn.router instanceof Router )
fn = fn.router;
if ( fn instanceof Router ) {
this._nest(path, fn);
} else
if ( mids.length )
this.middlewares.push([path, mids]);
return this;
* Use constructed middleware on routes with the provided data key. Constructors
* registered using this method are executed when pre-calculating a route's middleware
* chain. The constructors are expected to return a middleware function or array of
* functions. These functions will be run after general middleware registered
* via {@link Router#use} but before the middleware functions registered for a route.
* By setting a `sort` property on the returned middleware method, it is possible
* to override the sorting for that specific method.
* @example
* router.useData('headers', headers => {
* return async (ctx, next) => {
* await next();
* ctx.set(headers);
* }
* });
* router.useData('validation', -1, options => {
* const postFn = (ctx, next) => {
* // This runs after headers
* await next();
* };
* // Make postFn run later
* postFn.sort = 2;
* return [
* async (ctx, next) => {
* // This runs before headers
* await next();
* },
* postFn
* ];
* });
* router.get('/', {
* headers: {
* 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*'
* },
* validation: true
* }, ctx => {
* ctx.body = "Hello, World!";
* });
* @param {String} key The data key to match
* @param {Number} [sort_value=0] A number to use for this data-based middleware when
* sorting to determine which to apply first. Lower values execute first.
* @param {...Function} constructor The middleware constructor function(s) to use
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.useData = function(key, sort_value, ...constructor) {
if ( typeof key !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('key must be a string');
if ( typeof sort_value === 'function' ) {
sort_value = 0;
} else if ( typeof sort_value === 'number' )
this.dataware_sort[key] = sort_value;
throw new TypeError('sort_value must be a number');
for(const fn of constructor)
if ( typeof fn !== 'function' )
throw new TypeError('middleware must be a function');
const dws = this.datawares[key] = this.datawares[key] || [];
for(const fn of constructor)
return this;
* This allows you to set default data which is used for all routes that do not
* have existing data set for a specific data-based middleware.
* @example
* // For an example of how to write a simple cache dataware,
* // check out the project README.
* router.useData('cache', duration => {
* // duration is the number of seconds
* // <cache logic goes here>
* return cache_middleware;
* });
* // We default to a 60 second cache.
* router.defaultData('cache', 60);
* router.get('/', ctx => {
* ctx.body = 'This uses the default cache of 60 seconds: ' + Date.now();
* });
* router.get('/fast', {cache: 5}, ctx => {
* ctx.body = 'This is only cached for 5 seconds: ' + Date.now();
* });
* @param {String} key The data key
* @param {Object} value The default value to set. `undefined` to remove.
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.defaultData = function(key, value) {
if ( typeof key !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('key must be a string');
if ( value === undefined )
delete this.dataware_default[key];
this.dataware_default[key] = value;
return this;
* This allows you to override the order in which data-based middleware are
* applied. You can also provide this value when defining your data-based
* middleware constructors with {@link Router#useData}.
* @param {String} key The data key
* @param {Number} [sort_value=0] A number to use for this data-based
* middleware when sorting to determine which to apply first. Lower values
* execute first.
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.sortData = function(key, sort_value = 0) {
if ( typeof key !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('key must be a string');
if ( typeof sort_value !== 'number' )
throw new TypeError('sort_value must be a number');
this.dataware_sort[key] = sort_value;
return this;
* This method allows you to mark a specific key for data-based middleware as
* exclusive. This will prevent a parent's data-based middleware from being
* applied to the routes of a nested {@link Router}.
* The default `mount` middleware is set to exclusive to prevent multiple copies
* of the mount middleware being applied to matching routes.
* @param {String} key The data key
* @param {Boolean} [exclusive=true] Whether or not data-based middleware for
* the provided key should be exclusive.
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.setDataExclusive = function(key, exclusive = true) {
if ( typeof key !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('key must be a string');
if ( typeof exclusive !== 'boolean' )
throw new TypeError('exclusive must be a bool');
if ( exclusive )
return this;
* Use middleware for a named route parameter. This is useful for
* automatically loading data or performing validation for commonly used
* route parameters.
* @example
* router.param('userID', async (userID, ctx, next) => {
* ctx.user = await Users.query().where('id', userID);
* return next();
* });
* router.get('/user/:userID', ctx => {
* // ... do something with ctx.user
* });
* @param {String} param The name of the parameter to handle.
* @param {...Function} middleware The middleware to apply to that parameter.
Router.prototype.param = function(param, ...middleware) {
if ( typeof param !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('param must be a string');
for(const fn of middleware)
if ( typeof fn !== 'function' )
throw new TypeError('middleware must be a function');
const pws = this.paramwares[param] = this.paramwares[param] || [];
for(const fn of middleware)
pws.push((ctx, next) => fn(ctx.params[param], ctx, next));
* Mount the given middleware at a specific path. This will register the
* middleware for all HTTP methods on the given route, and strip the path
* from `ctx.path` temporarilly when calling the middleware.
* Internally, this acts by setting the option `{mount: '*'}` on the generated
* route while also ensuring the path ends with `/*`. This method will not
* function correctly if the built-in mount middleware is disabled.
* @param {String|String[]} path The path to mount the middleware at.
* @param {Object} [options] An optional set of options for the middleware.
* @param {...Function} middleware The middleware function(s) to use
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.mount = function(path, options, ...middleware) {
if ( ! Array.isArray(path) )
path = [path];
if ( typeof options === 'function' ) {
options = null;
} else if ( typeof options !== 'object' )
throw new TypeError('options must be an object');
for(const p of path)
if ( typeof p !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('path must be a string or array of strings');
for(const fn of middleware)
if ( typeof fn !== 'function' )
throw new TypeError('middleware must be a function');
if ( options )
options = Object.assign({}, options, {mount: '*'});
options = {mount: '*'};
this.register(['all'], path.map(p => {
if ( p.endsWith('/') )
return `${p}*`;
else if ( ! p.endsWith('/*') )
return `${p}/*`;
return p;
}), options, ...middleware);
return this;
* Nest another {@link Router} as a child of this router, inheriting all of
* its routes, middleware, etc.
* @example
* const users = Router({prefix: '/user'});
* users.get('/:userID', ctx => {
* // ...
* });
* router.nest(users);
* @param {String|String[]} [path] The path to nest the router at.
* @param {Router} router The router instance to be nested.
* @returns {Router} The Router
Router.prototype.nest = function(path, router) {
if ( path instanceof Router ) {
router = path;
path = null;
this._nest(path, router);
return this;
Router.prototype._nest = function(path, router) {
if ( ! path )
path = [''];
if ( ! Array.isArray(path) )
path = [path];
for(const p of path)
if ( typeof p !== 'string' )
throw new TypeError('path must be a string or array of strings');
if ( !(router instanceof Router) )
throw new TypeError('router must be a Router');
for(const p of path) {
const nests = this._nested[p] = this._nested[p] || [];
if ( ! nests.includes(router) )
if ( ! router._parents.includes(this) )
* Generate a URL for the route with the given name.
* Routes will inherit the name of the {@link Router} that contains them. As
* a shortcut for accessing other routes in the same namespace, you can start
* the name passed to `urlFor` with a period.
* `urlFor` is assigned to the current Koa context and should be used there
* to ensure namespaces work correctly.
* Once the URL has been built (using
* [path-to-regexp](https://github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp)) that generated
* URL and any left over parameters are merged into `options` and the structure
* is passed to [url.format()](https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#url_url_format_urlobject)
* If the Router or specific route is using a host, and a host hasn't been specified
* in options, the host will be checked against `source_host`. If the host does not
* match, an absolute URL will be generated.
* Any host variables for the route must be included in `params`.
* @example
* const router = Router(),
* user_router = Router({name: 'user', prefix: '/user'});
* user_router.get('me', '/me', ctx => {
* ctx.redirect(ctx.urlFor('.id', ctx.state.current_user.id));
* });
* user_router.get('id', '/:userID', ctx => {
* // ...
* });
* router.use(user_router);
* router.get('/', ctx => {
* ctx.redirect(ctx.urlFor('user.me'));
* });
* @param {String} name The name of the route
* @param {Object} [params] Parameters to place in the generated URL.
* Required if the route takes parameters. Any parameter not consumed in the route
* will be added as a query parameter.
* @param {Object} [options] Options to pass to `url.format()`.
* @param {Object} [options.query] Query parameters for the generated URL.
* @param {Object} [options.absolute=false] If set to true, the generated URL will always be absolute.
* @param {String} [source_host] The host from the request that triggered this method.
* @param {String} [source_protocol] The protocol from the request that triggered this method.
* @returns {String} The generated URL.
Router.prototype.urlFor = function(name, params = {}, options = {}, source_host, source_protocol) {
if ( ! this._named[name] )
throw new Error('No such named route');
if ( options == null )
options = {};
else if ( typeof options !== 'object' )
throw new TypeError('Invalid options for urlFor: must be object');
const [known_params, fn, host_rich, host, host_vars, host_fn] = this._named[name],
query = options.query = options.query || {};
if ( params == null )
params = {};
else if ( typeof params !== 'object' )
throw new TypeError('Invalid parameters for urlFor: must be object');
for(const [name, val] of Object.entries(params)) {
if ( ! known_params.includes(name) && !( host_vars && host_vars.includes(name)) )
query[name] = val;
if ( ! options.host ) {
let url_host;
if ( host_rich && host_fn )
url_host = host_fn(params);
else if ( ! host_rich && host )
url_host = host;
if ( ! url_host )
url_host = this.opts.host || source_host;
if ( url_host && (options.absolute || url_host !== source_host) ) {
options.absolute = undefined;
options.host = url_host;
if ( options.slashes == null )
options.slashes = true;
if ( options.slashes && options.protocol == null && source_protocol )
options.protocol = source_protocol;
options.pathname = fn(params);
return formatURL(options);
Router.Mount = Mount;
Router.compose = compose;